Coronavirus Guidance

The HVA have created a new page to help you get started playing indoor volleyball again this season, whilst reducing the risks associated with COVID-19. Please don't be complacent. The UK Government has allowed volleyball to return because of the meticulous safety plans and measures that have been introduced by Volleyball England, and these must be followed to ensure the safety of all involved, so that volleyball can continue in the UK.

What do clubs need to do now?

All clubs must obtain the risk assessment for their venue(s).

All clubs must undertake a risk assessment for all their volleyball events and activities (e.g. competitive matches, training, beach, outdoor and social).

We've included some suggestions for control measures you might want to adopt. We hope the majority of clubs will adopt some or all of these so we all have a similar set of rules when we come to play competitive matches in the Hertfordshire Leagues.